Google Sign-in Page takes in a New Look

Google New Sign-in Page

Google has changed the appearance of its sign-in page. If you recently signed in to your Google Account, it's possible you've seen the page new appearance. The page is little more horizontal than it used to be but it's still Google sign-in page.

"More modern look and feel," but the page is incredibly familiar with the old one. Of course, the sign-in steps are the same, it's just that the new page has a light Material Design makeover that’s now arranged horizontally to work better across many screen types, including small, large and wide screens.

old sign-in page vs new sign-in page
old sign-in page vs new sign-in page

The Google sign-in page is gradually rolling out to users with Workspace admin account and users with personal Google account. The rollout started in February 21st 2024 and it's scheduled for completion in March 4th, 2024.

However, as discussed in the Google Account Support Page, you have no control over the gradual rollout. That's, there's nothing you can do to push the new sign-in page away or to make it come fast to you.

If you haven't seen the new page yet, it's been recommended that you update your browser to latest version. According to The Verge, "The only way you might see the old login page" after the rollout completion date "is if you’re using an older browser."

About the author

Temmy Samuel
He’s the founder and publisher of Mainwaves Digital Media Group, the parent company of Capitalist Ledger, School Magazine (SCHLMAG) and Mainwaves. linkedinemailyoutubetwitter-x

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